Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things."
Philippians 4:8 NIV

Yesterday I was so discouraged.  To the point that I cried on the way home from work.

My pastor read this verse on Sunday when he was talking about the "battlefield of the mind". So many of our struggles are in our minds ands its bringing our thoughts under God's Lordship and looking to Him and thinking about what is true, and right just like what Philippians 4:8 says.

My grandpa loved this Bible Verse. I remember on New Years Eve when we would do a prayer or read from the Bible before it struck midnight, he would give the family this verse for the coming year.  It was like a "life verse" for him.  And as the weather is warming up, I think of him and how he'd be outdoors, digging in the dirt, planting and growing things. He was such a nurturer of living things. He had this quiet and gentle way about him that was so peaceful to be around.  I miss his weathered worn hands and his sweet kisses.  And as I write this stears sting my cheek and I think of how he would encourage me in his quiet way to think on what is TRUE, NOBLE and RIGHT- God's Word; whatever is PURE, LOVELY and ADMIRABLE- those things in my life which bring honor to Him becasue they are from my heart with the right motives.  And whatever is EXCELLENT and PRAISEWORTHY- grandpa would say that my efforts to be healthy are excellent and praiseworthy because they are about being healthy to work for Him, my Lord.  Grandpa wouldn't say this with words (because he was a quiet man)- but his actions.  

So I'm keeping my chin up. I'm realizing that even if I don't see the results that I want or expect to see, that I have to go based on truth and facts and not on my feelings that can be so fleeting. 

If anything grandpa taught me is that "SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE".  Grandpa was a constant and steady fixture. He was not hurried or worried. He was calm and peaceful. He was faithful and committed to his work with such steadfast devotion. That is how I need to be in my heart and my attitude towards healthy living and weight loss should be that of steadfastness.

Let me be like that Lord.  And I'm sorry because I don't want to be a pity party but I do want to be honest about how I feel.  And it probably doesn't help that I'm on my monthly and have a head cold and just feel like blah! Oh the joys of being a woman!!

Cornelius made this beautiful Angel Food Cake for my coworkers April Birthday Party.  It was a huge hit. Isn't it just so beautiful? And it tasted heavenly.  He made the angel cake during the half time of the Michigan Lousiville game last night.  Then this morning he got up at 6am to make the pineapple cool whip filling. The glaze is made from the pineapple juice and then he added the little clemintines for the artwork. Yep, he's pretty amazing.  Oh and the eggs he made the cake with our from our chickens. Just sharing this picture of his artwork. He truly is gifted when it comes to baking and cooking. 

And he remains at my side encouraging me along my health journey, never pointing a figure, accusing me or judging me- only loving me.

And let me tell you, I'm not as sweet to Cornelius as he is to me right now. I just feel like a big ball of...yuck! Not sure how to describe it.  Just pray for me. Even a tough strong girl like me needs prayer and encouragement.

Remember Philippians 4:8 today and "Slow and Steady Wins the Race"

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