Friday, April 12, 2013


So I did it......I did something I've never done before.  I got up at 4:30am and left my house to go and run/walk.  I feel crazy awesome!!!  I've read about women doing that- going to exercise early in the morning and how I thought they were crazy, or just complete health nuts. Or I thought, "They are just really into exercising and I have a long way to go before I ever do that."

It all happened because I saw a community friend post on her facebook page that she signed up for her first 5k at the Maple Syrup Festival.  I was so excited because it's my first 5k too!  And the other cool thing is she's doing it with her exercise buddies like I am too.  Well, her exercise buddies workout at the highschool gym around 5:15am Monday-Friday.  And they invited me to come! They run Monday, Wednesday and Friday and then do Insanity Tuesday and Thursday.  So I invited my sister and dad to come along.  I think I would have gone alone but since Gina and I are needing to get ready for this 5k, I knew she would want to come.

 So I get up at 4:30am and I'm all excited. It's like raining, and ice on the trees and about 32/33 degrees out and I trekked out to go and walk/jog.  I was so proud of myself.  And it wasn't because I could keep up with those cute little exercising ladies- No, I felt awesome because I was DOING IT!  I was walking/jogging in the early morning hours and it felt good.  No, I am not crazy!  I am a 250 + pound lady who really wants to be healthy and lose weight to LIVE and I did something intentional to reach that goal. And it felt so good. :)

To help me start my morning, I drank my Spark, from Advocare. It's Fruit Punch flavored and I LOVE IT. It is a sugar free, low calorie energy drink and I can't live without it- its way better for you than coffee or any energy drinks.I can't do those enegry drinks because they taste nasty and make you jittery, but SPARK is amazing. It has all these nutrients and it just kicks butt for giving you sustaining physical and mental energy. 

And the rain today doesn't make me depressed- instead I'm thinking of rain that washes us clean. Rain in April that brings May flowers.  Rain that feeds the earth and in turn brings "new life".  :)

Embracing my life today with joy with this new victory under my belt!

 Happy Friday Friends!

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