Thursday, March 7, 2013

Very Sick Jaelle

Sunday March 3, 2013 will forever be etched in my mind as a day that I will never forget. Jaelle had a seizure and was then admitted to stay at Gratiot Medical center.  Seeing your child turn stiff, contorted, drooling, grey in color, blue in the lips and then lifeless after the seizure- you as a parent are helpless.  You can only plead for God to spare your child and help you.  Cornelius was so calm, peaceful and was my assurance that she was going to be alright.  He had just finished first aide training a few weeks ago for work and was able to put into practice what he had learned.  These are the pictures from right before the seizure to after the seizure at at the hospital.  The doctor told us that it was unpreventable. The seizure was a result of the fever rising too quickly.  She was admitted to the hospital dehydrated, double ear infection, fever of 104, low white blood cell count and a rash as a result of the virus.  My poor child just was having a very difficult time fighting off the virus. She was just very sick.  And this was the weekend I was supposed to be gone at a women's retreat.  I remember thinking to myself that the only way I would miss the women's retreat is if I got sick with the stomach flu.  Well, it happened. I got sick. And I remember thinking "God, there is a reason that I'm sick and missing the retreat."  If I had gone, I wouldn't have been home when Jaelle had her seizure.  God knew this, and knew that Jaelle needed her mommy to be home and take care of her at the hosptial.  God knows all things and when things happen that just don't seem to make sense or don't seem to fit our agenda, well, guess what? God knows best and they fit His agenda/plan. I'm so glad that God interrupted my plans to make sure that I was where I was supposed to be! 
Your children are a precious gift, a treasure from God. Your time with them is only known by God. How important it is to invest in them and impart His love and presence and power in their lives.
Sunday morning at 11:30am. She was out cold and feeling not good at all. Cornelius and the girls went to church, the potluck and Easter Drama Practice. I stayed home with Jaelle because she had a fever.

We watched a Kid's Worship Video for our spiritual food that sunday morning. Can you see the top of Jaelle's head?

Before she fell asleep she looked at me and said "Mommy hold me..I sick"
Mommy and Jaelle

Look at those sweet eyes and I love that she sucks her thumb.

At the ER at Gratiot Medical Center after the seizure.

Her arm all wrapped up to protect the IV that took 5 pokes an over an hour to get put in.

Sleeping peacefully at the hospital.  She slept so much.  Her body was just wiped out!

Playtime in bed

Walking the halls.  Actually, acidentally her IV cord had seperated and she was walking away from me and her IV fluid bag!  We found that pink baby stroller in the play room. And we walked round and round the halls with that thing with her baby doll in tote.

Grandma came to visit Jaelle in the hospital.

Pastor Stephen and Chris Shebester came while Jaelle was napping with a bag of goodies-books and this little horse teddy was her favorite. She just loved it.

Isn't she just adorable? Just love this sweet picture. She was finally starting to feel a little better.
They released us Monday night at 9pm from the hospital.  Her white cell count was up and she hadn't had a fever on Monday while there. So we asked to go home and they doctor let us. 
We're home and mending.  Each day getting stronger.  What have I learned from this experience?  That our children are just on loan from God...they are His gift to us and we are to love them and rear them in the way that Christ would want us to. 
" God, give me the grace, strength and wisdom to mother this gift. I thank you that you are with me always and that you will never forsake me or my children.  I pray this in Jesus Name, Amen."

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear she is starting to feel better. Praying for her.
