Friday, July 19, 2013

I'm Just Like You

So yesterday I was feeling pretty good about myself. I had a great start to my day. Becca took a picture of me before I left for work and said "Mom, you're getting smaller." :)
Slowly but surely I'm losing- the scale doesn't say pounds but I'm losing inches. I'm shrinking in a good way.

I always look forward to working out with Julia and then I got this text:
"I can't meet today. You are going to have to tear it up without me. My little birdy is spreading her wings! Leg day. Yah! Those haven't changed so you should be golden."

And that was it. I had to read it like 2 or 3 times before I realized that I was her little birdy spreading my wings on my own- going to the gym ON MY FLIPPIN' OWN!  Was she crazy?! I wasn't ready for that. 

And then my immediate response:
"Ok, I know I can do it! We haven't changed up the leg stuff and if I forget I might text you. :) I'll let you know how it goes!"

And that was it.  I went and I did it. I forgot how to do one of the machines and asked a young guy to help me. Everyone is super nice. We're all working towards that goal and it involves our body and health. Mine goes a little deeper- I want to LIVE and be obedient to Christ in my body. 
Here is a freaked out pic I took at the gym before I started working out. I was excited and nervous to be alone in a gym with like skinny fit people.

And in the same day I got a really neat private facebook message that I need to share because it really touched me.

Cherri! Your progress is awesome! You look amazing! I always start with the best intentions and can never stay motivated. You are very wise to choose someone to help keep you motivated. I hope I can get myself in gear and do what you are doing. I always blame it on not having anyone to help me stay motivated and to work out with. But if I am honest with myself, it is all uo to me! Anyway, I am impressed with how well you are doing and hope to use your progress as an inspiration!

oh thank you so much _____! I've really had to fight to keep at it cause my results have been so minimal- and when you see Biggest Loser, people lose so fast. But in reality, when you work, have kids and do life in general, you have to make it work and fit in for you. I had some serious health issues and am finally on the mend it seems. And I honestly haven't lost much weight. I've stayed the same for 2 months now but see more inches lost since I started weight tip- just keep at it. Believe that you have the strength to do it and don't give up. Even when you splurge one day, start fresh again. Its always about each day being a new day and a new opportunity.  I totally believe that having a buddy or support group or workout buddy makes it easier because of accountability. I honestly AM JUST LIKE YOU- no better! Just keep at it and slowly but surely you'll see progress. Every victory counts, even if its you can jog for 3 minutes without stopping or you didn't drink pop but once this week. So count every victory cause it encourages you And of course my last tip, I really have prayed and asked God to help me because I've needed that 'supernatural' strength from Him. This fall I'm looking to do a women's Bible study called Made to Crave. It is awesome and life changing. would you be interested in joining me and a few women on this study? Think about it and let me know.

And that's it folks- I'm just like you on this journey.  In fact, I'm sorta emotional, overly sensitive and let it all hang out there for everyone to see. LOL!  I put this verse on my facebook page today...

"Have not I commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9 NASB

Sometimes I get afraid that I will fail and everyone will see- and I have let that go.  That is fear. That is condemnation. And God isn't about those things. He loves me and His love drives out that fear. He doesn't condemn me and accepts me where I'm at and helps me to get past and through my junk. God wants to see me succeed.  I just have to GET UP AND BE ABOUT DOING HIS BUSINESS and He is there. He is has enabled me to be strong and courageous.  I feel like I need to be courageous cause its hard sometimes, real hard.

Never Give Up!

This was posted and I stole it because it's a good reminder. Don't give up- don't stay where you are. Take steps every day.

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