Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 2013 Health Goals

May is here! I love fresh beginnings!  And the start of a month is a perfect time to get fresh perspective and make new health goals for this month.
Because my girls are on different softball teams, and there will be games every night of the week, I won't be able to do Insanity with my group of workout buddies like I did in March and April.  The weather is warming up (YEAH) and I LOVE walking outside.
 So I'm changing up my workout routine this month because if it isn't something attainable and realistic, it ain't gonna happen

May Goals:
1. 30 minutes of Walking/jogging 3 times a week.  I'm thinking I can walk do this during some of the girls games too. 
2. One night a week of strength training exercises (weights, plank etc)
3. Complete a 10 day Advocare Challenge- I really should do another 24 day challenge and if I started May 6th, I could complete this by the end of the month.  I get afraid that it won't be managable becaue of the crazy softball schedule.  But really, I think I'm afraid of doing the 24 day challenge because it's SO CHALLENGING!
4. Take measurements today and on the last day of the month.

And those are my goals this month. I think that this is attainable and something I can do with my family.

Today makes 10 days that my hubby has been gone for work in Gaylord. Its been a long 10 days, but I've survived with the help of my girls and my family. I will say that I have missed having him there to cuddle, or just lean on and rest. I miss him helping with the girls and with supper. He's such a helper!!  And the girls miss their daddy too.  He's hoping to be back by May 6th.  Lets pray that its sooner than that!!

It's Wednesday people!!  Our weekend is almost here!! Happy Dance!

Your verse of encouragement for today:
"Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies."
Psalm 36:5

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