Friday, January 20, 2012

So it begins

My Jaelle is not only crawling but she is pulling herself up to standing position! 
Last night when I put Jaelle to bed, she decided that standing up in her crib and peering over the edge and almost toppling over headfirst would be about gave me a heart attack! My dad came over and lowered the mattress while the girls and I sat by the fireplace eating popcorn and Jaelle eating her graham cracker while I read Charlotte's Web. It was like a fireside picnic! Anyway, we have definitely entered a new chapter in life with Jaelle on the move.
With that all said, it also made me realize how quickly time goes.  I remember the exact spot where I was when I told my dad "I can't wait until I grow up!"  Our family was in the car riding back from church and it was late.  The sky was full of stars and we were on Crystal Rd., almost home.  I told dad that I felt like time went so slow and that I couldn't wait to grow up.  He told me that when I got older and his age that I would wish I could slow time down and that it would pass so quickly.  At that time it just didn't seem possible.  But now....oh yeah, it totally makes sense. How I wish I could freeze time and enjoy things more or not take friends or family for granted.  With Grandpa passing on December 14,2011 it just seems like I didn't spend enough time with him to know all there was to know about him. And so I think about life and how time is just so precious and time is so beyond our world.  God's timing is perfect.  I can trust that He has my timeline and the time of my children and spouse on His heart and on His mind.  That when I stay connected to him, that He will take care of all the details that I worry about.  I worry that I don't do enough or that I don't spend enough time with the girls or that I don't spend enough time alone with Cornelius.  I worry about the time I give at church and if I put that before family.  Oh worrying and time....I can't control time.  But I can control my worry. I can surrender that worry to God and trust. 
 Trusting is difficult sometimes but God is able and His Spirit is strong in me.  And I love the quote my friend Teresa DeVries gave me "He makes all things beautiful in His Time."  And I want to apply that beautiful saying in my life- that all things are and will be beautiful in my life and in my family's life, IN HIS TIME.

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