Friday, June 29, 2012

Happy Birthday dear Jaelle!

Can you believe that it's been one year since I had my beautiful Jaelle Veronica Bornman?  June 1st, 2011 Jaelle Veronica Bornman was born at Gratiot Medical Center in Alma, Michigan.
It was so wonderful last summer being home with all 3 girls, enjoying my new baby and being a stay at home mom.  When it was time to go back to work in September, I just didn't know if I could do it.  I cried and I remember Cornelius pushing me out the door telling me that all would be fine.  And it was....but I cried the first 2 days on my drive to work.

Here are some highlights of the pregnancy and after she was born:
1. Mid March 2011 I started feeling not so good.  I had a cold but also noticed palpatations and had to lay down in my cubicle to catch my breath or rest.
2. By the end of March I was so sick and requesting 1 or 2 days off work a week.  I was in and out of ER for palpatations and then put on a heart monitor. 
3. April 5, 2011 I was put off work.  We found out my sugar was out of control, I was having heart issues and had a kidney infection and sinus infection.  I was a mess and emotionally and physically exhausted.  Doctor Maslovich didn't bat an eye and just wrote for me to be put off work.
4.  I spent the next couple months getting ready to have baby Jaelle.  I rested alot and got my strength back.  For awhile I was too weak to even drive and took naps most the day because of my heart giving me fits.
5. June 1st was our scheduled c-section date. I was so excited to have this baby but terrified of the recovery time after the c-section.  When I went to the hospital that day, Doctor Maslovich could tell something was up.  He asked me how I was feeling about this c-section.  I told him honestly that I was so stressed about the recovery time and that I would be spending most of my time healing and not enjoying the baby.  So 20 minutes before surgery we decided together to give me a normal bikini cut instead of the up and down cut that I had for Abby and Becca.
6. Jaelle was born, big, healthy and strong an hour after that conversation with doctor Maslovich weighing a whopping 10 pounds 15 ounces. They let me hold her by my face while they sewed me up.  I exclaimed to Cornelius and everyone in the room "I want another one!"  Doctor Maslovich said "Well, we will make sure to sew you up good so that you can have another one if you want." :)

                          HERE ARE A FEW NEWBORN PICTURES


                                     This was June 2nd-only 24 days old and Jaelle is so bright eyed!

                     This was the day we went home on June 3rd.  She was so sweet and content.
And Jaelle sucking her finger shortly after she was born. We have an ultrasound pic of her sucking her thumb.  She still sucks her thumb now

HERE ARE BIRTHDAY PARTY PICTURES- taken by Ashlee Elliott (an old piano student of mine who was home from college)

                                      Jaelle ate every bit of her cupcake- not one drop was left!!

                                           Becca made these beautiful cupcakes for the party.

                                 Don't clean me!!  I like being sticky with frosting so I can lick it later!

                                           Damaris Mowat having fun at the party with our bunny.

                                                            YUMMY CUPCAKE!

                                                                   Is this all for me?!

                                             Titus Mowat having fun at the party in Jaelle's room

                          Our beautiful rose fence- the roses weren't in bloom yet but I love this fence!

                                                      Baby Jaelle's cute.

                           We got Jaelle this kiddy pool and put her new toys into it.  She loved it. :)

                                             Big sister is so much help and loves you so much.

                                      Auntie Gina gave me this toy and I love chewing on it. ;)

                                                                   Opening presents!

                                             Pastor Stephen Mowat and his sweety, Damaris.

                                           Jaelle, you really are a sweet doll and we love you!

  These are her first professional pictures taken of her when she was 3 weeks old by Summer Photography.

And here is our beautiful Jaelle 1 year old just taken by Molly Bea Photography June 21, 2012.  Jaelle you have added so much to our family.  You are a spark of energy, love and silliness that makes our family pefect and complete.

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