Friday, November 16, 2012

So this is me....

So I had my friend Molly take some pictures of me.  This is one of the first ones she sent me on my facebook page.  I was like, " that really me?"  I've always been so fiercely insecure about the way I look.  Mostly because I just wasn't a typial cookie cutter American cutie. I was overweight and it just seemed like boys didn't like me in that way.  I had so many boys as friends growing up, but not boys saying "oh Cherri, I really like you."  Instead I was hearing their stories of love for some other girl while in my heart I wished someone would like me.

Anyway, I sound like a silly sob story telling you all this.  But after seeing this picture I thought to myself "I am beautiful. Beautiful because God made me unique, a jewel, a treasure and that I am His child and a child of a King."  But this picture just made me feel and look fabulous.  Molly, the photographer, put it well by saying that I'm beautiful on the inside and it shows on the outside.  And I think its true. I had a friend in Elementary tell me (and I didn't forget) "Cherri, if you weren't nice, you'd be ugly."  And I have told people this and they are like "that is so mean!" And I'm like, well, it is and it's not. Because the truth is, when someone is ugly on the inside, when their heart isn't right and its filled with bitterness, unforgivness, and just yucky stuff, well, it shows on the outside.  Your heart is a well spring of either life or death.

The whole purpose of this picture wasn't to be philosophical, but to have a few pictures to use on a demo CD or pamplet to share about my ministry. So I thank my friend Molly for taking this wonderful picture and I can't wait to share more pictures with you all!

Proverbs 31:30
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
1 Peter 3:3-4
Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.


  1. It's always weird to hear of another woman's insecurities. I have always thought you were one of the most beautiful women I know (and I'm not talking just the inside stuff). Love this picture of you and that you are seeing yourself as the beautiful woman that you are!

    1. My sister was always so surprised at how insecure I was. When I was 8 years old I had some very hurtful words said to me. They sorta stuck. But I learned from those words- that people who are hurting say hurtful things and to FORGIVE. But yep, I'm pretty insecure and you might say its my thorn in the flesh because I have to daily give it to God and not let it hinder what God is doing in and through me. :) Thank you friend!
