Monday, March 11, 2013

Starting again

So here I am.  Starting my journey again to be intentional and disciplined in my weight loss.  I took this picture on Saturday March 9th and I thought "I don't look too bad". But when I weighed in on Sunday, I have gained 14 pounds back that I had just lost last summer. I had lost a total of 30 pounds and gained back 14 pounds.....  I've been thinking again about taking God's hand and going on this road again with Him.  I get afraid because it requires discipline, sacrifice and putting myself face to face with "self"- yep, self.  The person who puts her selfish desires ahead of what is right or good.  Food isn't bad. But it can be bad if you don't use it for what it was intended for- and that is to fuel the body and not gorge yourself or entertain yourself with it. Or what I do- the mindless emotional eating.

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might." Ephesians 6:10 KJV

So Lord, here I go again. Asking you to  help me on this journey.  That I would remain steadfast, faithful, disciplined with YOUR HELP and YOUR POWER in me through your Spirit.  I pray this in Jesus name, Amen.

I'll keep you posted of what I'm doing.  Right now I am counting calories.  I haven't decided when I'll do the cleanse again with Advocare. And right now, I'm taking those baby steps.  I'm writing down my food and calories and plan to add the walking again as it gets warmer.

SO HERE GOES!!  Keep me in your prayers!!

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