Last week, June 10th, we started my new exercise regimen with weight training. So I'm still using MyFitnessPal to keep track of calories, carbs, fat, sugar etc. And instead of me trying to always go on a 3 mile walk/jog, Julia had me focus on doing 1mile 5 days a week and focusing on increasing my speed/time during that 1 mile. It was a crazy week last week. All the different pains I was feeling in my muscles in the different places we targeted specifically. Here's the run down:
MONDAY June 10th we did:
1. Push Ups
2. Cable row
3. Chest flye
4. Lat. pulldown
5. Cable Crunches
6. 1 mile on the treadmill in 15 minutes- I've never been on a treadmill to be intentionally working out. I mean, I've hopped on for some kicks but never stayed on because it just seemed scary or like I'd fall off.....I know, you are probably like "What?! Never on a treadmill and you're how old?!" It was a big deal for me.
TUESDAY I didn't go to the gym. Just did 1 mile at Becca's softball game. I did 1 mile just under 14 minutes. My time wasn't real accurate because GPS couldn't track me at first. But the important thing is that I did it and wasn't distracted or deterred from completing my walk/jog.
WEDNESDAY back to the Gym:
1. Lunges
2. Squat Machine
3. Step Ups
4. Calf Rises
5. Leg Extension
6. Leg Curl Machine
7. Outer Leg Machine
* did not run......I was SORE and jiggly feeling already in my legs from this work out!!
THURSDAY morning I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to walk. But I'm taking Nighttime Recovery through Advocare and it definitely has helped with the soreness. By Thursday afternoon I was in a bad way....I thought to myself, how am I going to go walking/jogging. But I did. Abby went with me and she helped to up my pace because I was trying to keep up with her. We were at another one of Becca's games in Blanchard this time. We had to track the miles with the van to see how far a mile was because GPS couldn't find me out there. So I wasn't able to really get a good gage of how fast or slow I was going but again, I completed it!
FRIDAY I told Julia that I was feeling muscle soreness in places I hadn't felt sore before. In fact, Tuesday, on the way in the car to a funeral viewing, I was feeling tightness in my chest. I actually thought maybe I was having chest pains or a heart attack or something. I didn't want to freak. So I touched my upper chest area (above the boobs people) and noticed that it was sore/tender and I was like "oh my word, I'm having pain and tightness in my chest....what is going on?" And then it dawned on me, I was sore like sore from working out muscles I hadn't worked out before.....LOL!! It's so funny now that I think about it. Julia asked me if I had never worked out those muscles before and I'm like "Well, maybe, back in Highschool or something."
Workout consisted of:
1. Hammer Curls
2. Tricep Extension
3. Standing shoulder
4. Cable bicep curl
5. Cable bicep extension
6. Side raises
7. Bicep cable pull
8. Dips
9. Front raises
10. 1 mile outside on the trail with Julia. And I believe I did it in 13 minutes 37 seconds.
SATURDAY I worked in the yard and flowerbeds to get my exercise.
SUNDAY we were in Ludington at the beach and I did half a mile of speed walking and jogging in the sand.
And here we are, at the beginning of my second week.
MONDAY June 17th I went walking/jogging last night by Crystal Lake with my friend Valarie Johnston. Here is my time for 2 miles: 27 minutes and 40 secounds. I was on track to do my best 5K!!!
Tonight I will meet up with Julia again to do my weight training. She posted this pic on my facebook yesterday. I was feeling kind of down because on Monday morning it said I gained a few pounds and I was like "WHAT?! Are you kidding me? After all I'm doing?" And seriously people, I'm watching that food and making sure its good wholesome food, not junk or empty calories.

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
His power is at work in me! Romas 8 talks about being a conqueror- someone who is able to defeat and conquer trials, strongholds because of God in me. He has placed that strength in me. And I have to remind myself of this daily.
Today, I feel encouraged. I feel empowered to continue this journey.

My first gym picture.....I was afraid to take this picture because you see my fat body.
But the cool thing is....NOT FOR LONG. :)
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