Thursday, May 16, 2013

All In a Day's Work

Sometimes life can be overwhelming but not with bad things necessarily.  I was just thinking what the past 2 days entailed for me and I was like "WOW!  I did alot in 48 hours."  Do you ever take a step back and think about all you did in 1 or 2 days?  Maybe you should.  Because you might realize you have too much on your plate and maybe need to eliminate something that is just "busy" but not a productive or fruitful in your life.  So here is what my past 2 days looked like:

Tuesday May 14th:
5:30am- shower and get ready for the day
6:30am- scooped Jaelle out of bed in jammies and headed to the hospital
7:00am- check in for ear tube surgery
8:15am- surgery began
9:00am- Jaelle is out of surgery in recovery room and GRUMPY. I'm itchin' to get that kid home
10:00am- home from hospital
10:15am- fed Jaelle breakfast of cereal, toast, yogart and fruit
10:30-11:15 am- snuggle time on couch with Jaelle watching a movie
11:25am- walking out the door to head for work
11:50am- arrive at work
3:55pm- zip out the door to leave for school presentation for Becca
4:15pm- meet Cornelius and girls in school parking lot
4:20pm- Becca is presented with Outstanding Student of the Month Award
4:45pm- home in time to start supper  ( I forget what we ate)
5:30pm- Cornelius drops Becca off at softball field for pregame warm-up
6:15pm- Becca's game starts
8:00pm- Game Over THEY WIN 20-5.  It's ridiculous how much talent is on this young team.
8:05pm- call Cornelius to tell him Becca and mommy are going out for icecream
9:00pm- Home from icecream date with Becca
9:30pm- Abby and Becca are in bed
9:30-10:30- laundry, folding clothes, vacuuming and getting ready for tomorrow
11:00pm- BED TIME (Cornelius and I stay up talking and just reminiscing about the day-its more like midnight before we fall asleep)

May 15th:
6:00am- up to shower and get ready for the day
6:45am- Jaelle wakes up
7:00am- breakfast
7:30am- out the door to take kids to school
8:00am- sitting in Becca's class getting ready for Field Trip to Midland Loons Baseball game
8:30am- board bus
10:30am- Loon's Game begins
1:30pm- leave Midland for home
2:15pm- arrive back in Vestaburg
2:15-2:35pm- Meet with Becca and Abby's teachers to go over scores and make plan for summer schooling activities (my kids are super smart and had great and above average scores) :)
3:00pm- HOME
3-4:25pm- housework and making supper
4:30pm- SUPPER TIME. I love that we all can sit at the table and be together
5:15pm- Everyone in the van to go to Abby's softball game in Beal City
6:15pm- game starts
7:30-7:51pm- GO FOR A LITTLE WALK with Jaelle and Becca in Beal City
7:51-8:00pm- finish watching Abby's game (THEY WIN! 12-9)
8:05pm- head home
8:35pm- Jaelle to bed
8:40-9:40pm- visit my parents and do a little email while visiting
10:00pm- home to do laundry, dishes and normal stuff to get ready for the next day
11:00pm- read a few chapters out of "The Four Seasons of Marriage"
11:55pm- head to bed after falling asleeping in chair

All in a day's work for a mom!!  Phew!!  Just typing it all out wears me out. :)  But it was just all good healthy normal living and I'm thankful to be able to have a family that is healthy and active TOGETHER. 

Cornelius and I started this thing where we say one positive thing to eachother before we go to bed. Its easy to end the day on a bad note but this way we are being mindful to speak to eachother kindly and in love.
Last night I was just so appreciative and thankful for how Cornelius is so involved in helpinig me with the girls and I told him that.  He told me that he appreciates how I am such a positive role model for not only our girls but for their friends. He likes that Abby's teammates love to have me around.

 If I would have added Cornelius' crazy schedule to this schedule, well, it would really make your head spin.  He is taking classes while working overtime or working out of town.  These past few nights Cornelius was doing class work from 9-midnight. And I didn't mention he met with our Pastor Wednesday night from 8-9pm because he is Vice Chair of the Church Board and the Pastor was just using Cornelius as a sounding board for some important items.

Anyway, I am sure that those of you reading this can spin circles around me with your busy lives! Just make sure that the things you and I fill our lives with our worthy of all the time we spend on them and that they produce good things in your life.

Here are a few pictures from the past 2 days-


Becca and her friend Mya Austin on the bus to the Loon's Game Field Trip

Mascott dance-off!  It was very funny.

Just a nice picture of me and Becca together at the field trip Loon's Game.  We had a wonderful day full of fun and sunshine.

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