Sunday, January 6, 2013

Jaelle Speaks!

So our little Jaelle has taken some big leaps in her speaking this past week.  She's just talking up a storm now. Here are a few things that have been so cute:
1. "Get me!" and then she proceeds to run away from you. :)
2. "Sorry mommy" and then she hugs you. She was running around and bumped into Cornelius in the kitchen and said to Cornelius "Sorry daddy". 
3. "I burp!" and then giggles loudly.  She was happily eating her chili tonight and said "I burp!" and started laughing. You couldn't help but laugh- I then told her she had to say excuse me after she burped.
4.  "Birdy loud"- we have 2 parakeets in a cage in our eating room and sometimes they can chatter quite loudly.  Jaelle looked at them and said "Birdy Loud!" then she put her finger to her month and went "shish".
5. Jaelle was looking at the birds then looked down at their shelf where there food was and said "Birdy food". That was a pretty big deal because we didn't know she knew the word "food".

What's so fun about this now is that Jaelle is speaking to us and not just mimicking what we tell her. Many times with little ones when they are first learning to talk, they will copy the words or sentences you are speaking to them.  Today we really noticed that she was initiating her conversation and speak.  So fun!  Its just so fun to have her speaking to us and taking part in our conversations.  When we are talking with the older girls, if she recognizes a word or comprehends what we are saying, she will add to her with her own little sentence- with some words that are in the English dictionary and some that in Jaelle's little dictionary.

Becca said it well tonight- "Oh Jaelle, you are so cute when you talk."  You just see complete joy in her face and she has so much expression.  We are all so thrilled that Jaelle has entered our speaking world and can't wait to hear what more things she tells us and the dynamic she will add to our family as she talks and develops her little personality. 

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