I'm on my lunch and thought while I was eating my soup that I would send a quick email. An email telling you that I love you all and was thinking about you. Praying you are well, happy and that God is speaking to your hearts and encouraging you.
My verse this morning is "No wonder we are happy in the Lord! For we are trusting in Him. We trust his holy name. Yes, Lord, let your constant love surround us, for our hopes are in your alone." Psalm 33:21-22 TLB
http://thebornmanmelody.blogspot.com/I wrote a few new blogs this January. I never get enough time to write all the details of my heart and life. I just love writing though- almost as much as I love making music. :) One thing that has truly delighted my heart and brought such renewed "purpose" in my heart has been my Bible reading and devotional at each end of the night with Abby and Becca. I really need to be honest that I was not consistent with it. It was sporadic during the week. It wasn't that I wasn't teaching, or telling or praying or never reading the Bible with the girls, but that it wasn't disciplined. It was when I could fit it in during the week. I felt a conviction to truly invest in the greatest treasures God has given me on earth- my children. And then He told me to give them the greatest treasure I have- His Word and His love.
Now we can't wait for that time at night and Abby and Becca seem to have flourished during our Bible reading/devotional/Girl Gab. :) I'm using a mother daughter devotional written by Dannah Gresh. Abby told me her favorite part of our night is the "girl gab" where basically I share parts of my life that apply to the BIble reading or devotional. Where it was lived out. We have also learned and been practicing "meditation or meditating" on God's Word and in prayer and what it really means and looks like. So far that has been one of my most favorite nights and Bible reading when we learned together what meditating on God's Word was- the world has distorted what meditating is.
Anyway, life is good. Everyone is healthy. Cornelius is enjoying work and his classes. He's so smart and so humble. He challenges me with his humility and servant heart. I love that about him. And the girls continue to do well in their studies- top of their classes. Abby is called the "calculator" in class. She's such a whiz at math and mathmatical concepts. Becca is plain bored in school and the teacher tries so hard to find outlets and other tests or activities that she can do. She took up drum lessons. I told her she's like her dad- she learns and picks things up so quickly but that I want her to learn to not be lazy with her gifts and abilities. Lazy in that she doesn't really apply herself and is complacent. I want her to challenge herself and push herself.
And Jaelle- she has joined the speaking world!! She is saying little sentences now.
1. I like it mommy
2. I no like it.
3. I sorry
4. "He" naked. *(she was looking at the little baby on the shampoo bottle!)-
5. She also says "she" which is so neat to see that she can differientiate between he and she.
And so many other things. I wish I had more time to write about our new sitter. She is truly a God send and we have seen such a "blessing" through her being in our lives and her companionship with Jaelle. She is young, only 20 but I would compare her heart to Laurel's and Katrina's. So pure, so beautiful, so loving and extremely intelligent. She loves children and just fits in our family. Her name is Larita. And Jaelle calls her"rita". There is a long story of how it transpired for her to come into our lives and for our old sitter to be gone. I know that it was all God planned and that God put her in our family's life for this season. I'll try to capture a picture of her with Jaelle and send it.
Oh and Sarah, tell Nelson thank you for his compliment of Abby- he told Sarah that Abby is growing into such a nice young lady, "like Laurel and Katrina". That was such a high compliment. ;)
Pray for me in that I am going away for my first time without my husband and girls on a little vacation. My mom and I are staying with friends in Orlando FL for 4 days. We leave January 17th at 6pm from Grand Rapids and return the 22nd at 10:30am. Its the longest I've been away and I feel a little anxious and excited. We are being hosted by Cheryl and Fred Engle, friends of our family in their late 60s/early 70s. Very Godly and wise people. We meet with Cheryl once a month for prayer and Bible reading. They own this home in FL and go there to escape the winter months in MI. Cheryl has a heart to disciple women in His Word and God has used her in many lives. She told me she's excited for us coming and is planning on nightly prayer times....can't wait!!
Ok, well, I need to get back to work. Just a few more hours and I'll be home.
LOVE YOU ALL, wish we were all closer but knowing that God has us all in His hands.