So here I am joining the Blogging world. I don't feel like I know what I'm doing, but I do know that I love to write and journel....especially about my life and family. So with that said, "HERE GOES!" I decided to start blogging because I haven't journaled in years and I want to have something that I can share with my girls when they get older. Something that shows the "Melody" of the Bornman family. We are making a beautiful "melody" in this world and I look forward to developing this melody into a great Masterpiece.
Looking at 2011, I see how I have had such huge blessings and challenges. Adding Jaelle to the family mix has been amazing. I didn't imagine that adding one more to the family dynmics would go so smoothly. Having a busy schedule with Abby and Becca in piano lessons and softball and then 2 parents on different work schedules and also fully involved at church, well, its all been God's grace and His hand upon us. Working full time as a mom has been so challenging and I have been discouraged and questioned if this is the best thing. But I realize more and more as I am here that God provided this job with excellent benefits and pay and I know that did this with a purpose in mind. I need to be faithful and see this through. Hearing God through all the noise of this world can be so hard. But I feel like I'm learning more and more each day to listen to that still voice and to respond to God's voice. And when I do, I see blessings and doors that open beyond my wildest dreams.
So this new year, I am taking the plunge. I am pursuing something that has been in the back of my mind and heart but has been hidden because I never thought I was good enough or that I had the ability to do it. I am going to make a CD, a recording of me singing and playing piano. I know that God has opened doors for me to take this step and go into the unknown. Friends and family have encouraged me and strangers have asked "Do you have a CD? Or why don't you make a music CD?" Because I thought I needed to be famous or that I needed to be better at making music. But then I realized that I'm not doing this to be famous or make money. I'm doing this to share my love for music, worship and for my daughters to see and hear me share my life song and that God is real and tangible. And most importantly, to be obedient to what I feel that God is leading me to this new year.
So HERE GOES! Let the music begin and my God continue to guide my steps and create music that speaks the Love of Christ and shares that He came that all might know Him and have life through Him. May He be glorified even more in my life this coming year in all that I do and say! Amen!
Yea!!! Welcome!! Excited to see where God leads you in 2012!!