15 ‘I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. 16 So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will [b]spit you out of My mouth.
This last week Cornelius and I watched several movies that really impacted me. Last week I watched "The Way Back". True story about men who walked out of their Siberian prison to freedom 4,000 miles away to India. Some died along the way because of the severity and harshness of nature and also because of the distance. One man in particular was imprisoned only because of his stance against Communism and the cold war waging on his country Hungary. I was amazed at their will and perserverance. Their fight to live a FULL life and not just survive in their prison in Siberia. Most people would have given up emotionally and mentally and then let themselves die. The things that they went through physically was mind boggling.
Then on Saturday January 25th Cornelius took me to see "Lone Survivor" in the Theatre. Again, true story about these 4 Navy Seals in Afganistan. They had a mission to take out a Taliban leader but their mission was compromised when they were discovered by goat herders. Do they kill the goat herders and continue with their mission or let these civilians go, pretty much leading them to certain face to face combat by the Taliban. They chose to abort their mission because it was compromised, let the goat herders go and get out of there. Only, they didn't all make it out. Only one survived and it was a miraculous survival.
What moved me in the movie "Lone Survivor" though was the willingness to lay down their lives for eachother, for their mission and cause. Don't get me wrong- WAR is UGLY. I am not glorifying or idolizing the killing of people and how ugly and painful battle is. BUT, there is something that amazes me with these Navy Seals. AT ALL COST- ITS ALL OR NOTHING. They live by a creed. They have been trained to fight and survive in conditions that most cannot or will not. They physically do things that amaze me and is truly mind boggling. Their mind over matter was incredible.
Why am I so fascinated with this and how does this affect me? On Monday morning when I weighed in, and I gained weight. I was so traumatized. Upset, Discouraged. How could I have gained weight when I've been working out like 6 times a week, counting calories, fat and keep track of proteins? I've put so much effort into this. Ive been committed, dedicated, faithful even to the point of putting aside my feelings of tiredness and even fighting physical pain with sore muscles and needing chiropractic appointments.
I could just give up and throw in the towel. I thought about people who do this. I thought about how the church is so full of people who just give a little bit of themselves, enough to say they did enough but then when the going gets tough, or when it comes down to the wire, they aren't there. They aren't faithful. The church has failed in this area- the Bible calls us to give our all. To love God with all our heart and soul and mind. We think going to church on Sunday and reading our Bible a few times a week or maybe when we do "good things" that we're good. GOD WANTS IT ALL! Our lives are a testimony of Him living in me. Do I really love Him? Am I willing at all costs to follow Him and go where He calls me and do what He asks of me?
The church is full of luke wamness. Full of people who do not live by their creed. People who give up when the going gets tough. Seeing how thoseNavy Seals would did not give up until physically their bodies stopped due to the severity of their wounds made me wonder-Would I be that resilient? Would I fight so hard for a cause? DO I GIVE ALL?
So I told myself that God is showing me that in all this journey with my health, it's all or nothing. Am I really going to live a healthy life style whether I see the pounds move. Am I willing to keep eating whole and clean or am I just doing this for a challenge to win money? What's my driving factor? What's my motive?
It's ALL or Nothing. Either I'm going to keep at this no matter what I face. No matter how hard the challenge gets. And God is calling me to this. Preparing me for greatness. Preparing me to know how to fight. To be an overcomer. Not to give up. To keep looking up to Him and find the will to perservere.
DON'T GIVE UP. Give it your all. Don't be afraid. Don't be like a lukewarm person- neither hot nor cold. BE ON FIRE! BE HOT! That's what I want. For people to say "Wow, she gave it her all. Cherri didn't hold anything back. She dove in and fought with her whole being. She lived for God in all areas of her life!"
That's what I want. And I know I need Jesus more than ever. To keep my heart in check when I let my emotions get the better of me. Sometimes our feelings lead us astray. Be aware of this and guard your heart and emotions. Let God guide you to truth. Let God fill you today with the will to give it all.
That's my prayer today for me and for you!
Dear Lord, I thank you that you love me so much that you don't want to leave me alone- you keep pursuing me and challenging me to be all that I can be. You are creating me into a beautiful masterpiece. You are molding me and sometimes the refining can be so hard. Sometimes what I see in the mirror I don't like. I want to quit or I want to be depressed and discouraged. I feel like having a pity party or like its just too hard. God, let me be faithful to complete this journey I'm in with all that is within me. Every area of my life you want to invade with Your presence, Your power and its all to see me succeed to give YOU the Glory! I love the verse in Hebrews that talks about running the race marked out for us. Let me not grow weary. I love you Lord. I pray this all in the precious name of Jesus, Amen!
Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 [a]fixing our eyes on Jesus, the [b]author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
3 For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary [c]and lose heart.
All wise words from my 3 sweet girls. This was hanging in my kitchen waiting for me when I got home last night after working out. They are my gems and their love and support fuels my heart to keep going. :)