Saturday, November 24, 2012 9:34 PMSubject: Prayer Request
Today Cornelius injured his back while doing chores outdoors. He is in a lot of pain and laid up. Please pray for a quick recovery. It also is imperitive he heals quickly because he just started a new job a few weeks ago. Also, could you pray for our little Jaelle. She has had a fever the past few days and needs God's touch.
Thank you for your prayers
Cherri and family
Update November 26, 2012
Dear Church family and friends,
We thank you for your prayers. It’s been a long hard weekend in our household. Saturday night I slept 3 hours after spending the night in ER with Cornelius. The pain was too much that he finally decided to go get some pain meds. Right now Cornelius is unable to walk without the aid of a walker. He can’t sit up at a desk, table or chair. To get him around in a vehicle we took out the middle seat so he can lay in the van to transport him.
Many of you know that my husband is not the kind of man to not work and that the very nature of him is to serve. He’s always helping and serving someone and so it’s very difficult to see him like this.
Today he plans to make phone calls to get into a doctor but we have decided that we need to seek a chiropractor and see how quickly we can alleviate the pain and get him walking and working. His job is a big concern since he is new and on probation. I was reminded this morning to not be like the Israelites who kept forgetting all that God did for them. They would have something happen and then worry or doubt and God was continually faithful and did miraculous things for them. And God did a miraculous thing getting Cornelius this job. So I have to be thankful, trust and know that God has this situation in His hands- which is the best place to be.
Jaelle still is sick and needs a lot of attention. So continue to pray for her healing as well.
We love you all and thank you for your support and prayers. Those of you who have called, texted or facebooked have been so wonderful with your kind words and care. Cornelius needs the encouragement and it means so much.
Thank you,
Cherri and family
I was thinking these 2 things this morning:
1. We can make plans and be all prepared and think we are in control- but we are never ever really in control. We live in a fallen world and bad things happen. So we can do all the right things and still have bad things happen. But GOD is in control and holds us in His hands.
2. I am reminded to be thankful in all things and to trust. I don’t want to be like the Israelites in the Bible who are always doubting and complaining after what God did by providing Cornelius’ job in the first place.
I am reminded this morning that God’s heart for me is to be more like him- and lots of times that is dealing with character issues. J