Friday, December 28, 2012

2012 Christmas Eve

Since I can remember, we have had a family tradition at the Snyder home on Christmas Eve. Mom would make Nacatamales, tamales typical of Honduras, and serve it with a Seafood chowder soup made with coconut milk and other delicacies each year. We would dress up in our nicest outfits and mom would set a gorgeous table. Dad would read the Isaiah or Luke account of Jesus' coming and then lead us in a song before our meal. Mom would set an extra plate and chair- she said for Jesus or any guest that might show up that day.  It was a special tradition mom and dad did with us kids since I can remember.  And each year we carry on this tradition and I bring my family now.  The table has grown and so its been harder for mom to set that extra plate.  But I haven't forgotten that gesture because there were times that we did have a special visitor. Like when a man's car broke down on the road in front of our house or when my cousin Luis showed up unexpectedly and ended up eating with us.  I love this tradition.  Because it wasn't about presents or gifts.  There was no expectation of that.  Instead, it was about family, making memories, remembering the gift of Jesus to each one of us and how we are to share His gift of love to everyone we encounter.  Thank you mom and dad for this special gift to me. My girls now cherish this day and I'm so thankful for this tradition and will carry it on with my family after you are gone.  I'm not sure that I will do it as well as you mom because there is something about having your Nacatamales made special from your own hands and wrapped so tenderly with love and care.  And something special about seeing my mom dressed so beautiful and looking all put together even when she has all this food to prepare and set before a large growing family. 
So here are some picturs from Christmas 2012 that are just so precious and beautiful.  And they are precious because of the people in them that I cherish so dearly.

Johnny and Doris Snyder- my parents

My Family- the Bornmans
Cornelius is holding Jaelle, then there is Becca, Abby and me.

 The Spiekerman Family
Freddy, little Seth, Gina and their daughter Kenidee
Cornelius and his little sweetie Jaelle- who is 18 months old

Abby and her cousin Kenidee proudly holding their dolls

 The girls seated and ready for their special Christmas Even dinner
Kenidee received this doll from "Santa"  and she LOVED it. :)

Me and Jaelle

Jaelle loves her Auntie Gina. Sometimes I get jealous because Jaelle talks about Gina, asks for Gina and just adores her Auntie.  But I'm so thankful that she has a special bond with her Auntie and that Gina lives close enough to share apart of herself on a regular basis. Gina is a special person and I know that my girls love her because she's such a beautiful person inside and out.

Silly Auntie Gina and Jaelle
I thought this was a cool effect on this picture.

Cornelius and his side kick Becca in the kitchen making gingerbread dough.

Jaelle didn't get to help much with the cooking and baking but she did get to eat it. Right now she's enjoying an orange while Cornelius does the gingerbread building with the girls.

 Cornelius' sister, Sarah and her family, came late Sunday afternoon December 23rd. But because their little 2 year old was so sick, we really didn't get to spend much time with them.  So this is one of the few pictures I have of their visit.  They left early Christmas morning after breakfast.
And so this is the conclusion of our 2012 Christmas Eve Celebration. 


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Winter Pictures December 2012

I think I took some pretty cool pictures of the girls and their cousins Seth and Kenidee this past week.  We love snow and you can see that complete joy in Abby and Becca's faces.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Cornelius Hurt His Back

Saturday, November 24, 2012 9:34 PMSubject: Prayer Request

Today Cornelius injured his back while doing chores outdoors.  He is in a lot of pain and laid up.  Please pray for a quick recovery.  It also is imperitive he heals quickly because he just started a new job a few weeks ago.  Also, could you pray for our little Jaelle.  She has had a fever the past few days and needs God's touch.

Thank you for your prayers

Cherri and family

Update November 26, 2012

Dear Church family and friends,

We thank you for your prayers. It’s been a long hard weekend in our household.  Saturday night I slept 3 hours after spending the night in ER with Cornelius.  The pain was too much that he finally decided to go get some pain meds.  Right now Cornelius is unable to walk without the aid of a walker.  He can’t sit up at a desk, table or chair.  To get him around in a vehicle we took out the middle seat so he can lay in the van to transport him.

Many of you know that my husband is not the kind of man to not work and that the very nature of him is to serve. He’s always helping and serving someone and so it’s very difficult to see him like this.

Today he plans to make phone calls to get into a doctor but we have decided that we need to seek a chiropractor and see how quickly we can alleviate the pain and get him walking and working.  His job is a big concern since he is new and on probation.  I was reminded this morning to not be like the Israelites who kept forgetting all that God did for them. They would have something happen and then worry or doubt and God was continually faithful and did miraculous things for them.  And God did a miraculous thing getting Cornelius this job. So I have to be thankful, trust and know that God has this situation in His hands- which is the best place to be.

Jaelle still is sick and needs a lot of attention.  So continue to pray for her healing as well.

We love you all and thank you for your support and prayers.  Those of you who have called, texted or facebooked have been so wonderful with your kind words and care.  Cornelius needs the encouragement and it means so much.
Thank you,

Cherri and family

 Email to Friend November 26, 2012
I was thinking these 2 things this morning:

1.       We can make plans and be all prepared and think we are in control- but we are never ever really in control.  We live in a fallen world and bad things happen.  So we can do all the right things and still have bad things happen. But GOD is in control and holds us in His hands.
2.       I am reminded to be thankful in all things and to trust.  I don’t want to be like the Israelites in the Bible who are always doubting and complaining after what God did by providing Cornelius’ job in the first place.

I am reminded this morning that God’s heart for me is to be more like him- and lots of times that is dealing with character issues. J

And here are the sick couple from this weekend. :)  Jaelle sucking her thumb after leaving a pile of crackers on her daddies lap. And Daddy resting and dealing with all his back pain.

Friday, November 16, 2012

So this is me....

So I had my friend Molly take some pictures of me.  This is one of the first ones she sent me on my facebook page.  I was like, " that really me?"  I've always been so fiercely insecure about the way I look.  Mostly because I just wasn't a typial cookie cutter American cutie. I was overweight and it just seemed like boys didn't like me in that way.  I had so many boys as friends growing up, but not boys saying "oh Cherri, I really like you."  Instead I was hearing their stories of love for some other girl while in my heart I wished someone would like me.

Anyway, I sound like a silly sob story telling you all this.  But after seeing this picture I thought to myself "I am beautiful. Beautiful because God made me unique, a jewel, a treasure and that I am His child and a child of a King."  But this picture just made me feel and look fabulous.  Molly, the photographer, put it well by saying that I'm beautiful on the inside and it shows on the outside.  And I think its true. I had a friend in Elementary tell me (and I didn't forget) "Cherri, if you weren't nice, you'd be ugly."  And I have told people this and they are like "that is so mean!" And I'm like, well, it is and it's not. Because the truth is, when someone is ugly on the inside, when their heart isn't right and its filled with bitterness, unforgivness, and just yucky stuff, well, it shows on the outside.  Your heart is a well spring of either life or death.

The whole purpose of this picture wasn't to be philosophical, but to have a few pictures to use on a demo CD or pamplet to share about my ministry. So I thank my friend Molly for taking this wonderful picture and I can't wait to share more pictures with you all!

Proverbs 31:30
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
1 Peter 3:3-4
Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Showers of Blessing

Verse for the Day-
 "For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. The Lord loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love." Psalm 33:4-5

Today is a State holiday, Veterans Day, and I am so thankful that they give me this work day off.  And last month I decided that I was going to still have the babysitter come for Jaelle so that I could make a day for just me.  Get away, make a doctor appointment and just do things in this day that I don't have time for very often.

So I woke early, like I was going to work, and as I was getting ready I was thinking about titles to a demo CD or promotional pamplet for a ministry that I would like to do.  And I have thought about images, or dreams or things that God has been in my life- a treasure, jewels, faithfulness.....but then this morning (in the shower), I was reminded of what God told me the day I got married - "Showers of Blessing" 

I think I really started thinking about God's voice and direction more intentionally because of our Small Group study, "Soul Shift". This past week in particular we are focused on a shift from "Ask to Listen".  And I was challenged again about truly listening to God. And how to listen and where to listen. I feel like that I practiced listening to God for the most part and as a result of listening to "his still sweet voice" which is like a melody in my heart, I have found blessing and favor in my life.  And I ask myself, how did I learn to listen to that voice.  I think of my mom and grandma and how they instilled a deep faith and love for God and a deep desire to follow Him. How they taught me to sense and acknowledge God's Holy Spirit in my life. To serve others in love and sensitivity because of knowing that God is in me and working through me.  I think of my dad, and how he instilled in me a deep desire to learn and know music and to use music in my life.  Not because my dad was a professional or trained musician, but because my dad had such a love for using music to express his heart to God.  He used music to serve.  Now if you combine what my dad and my mom and grandma taught me together- you can see where it has helped to direct my path and lead me to "listening to the sweet melody" of God's voice and how now I am making a melody of my life unto the Lord.  I see where 13 years ago, when I chose to listen to God above my hearts wishes and my fleshes desires, that I found myself on the path of blessing.  Cornelius was a huge part of God blessing my life and showering blessing in my marriage, friendships, children and finances.  I think of the bumps along the road, but how they pale in comparison to the overiding showers of blessings, faithfulness, goodness and love.  God has truly been unfailing in His pursuit of me, to show and reveal His love to me in such tangible ways.

So now here I am, today in Panera Bread, drinking coffee, eating oatmeal.  Enjoying a quiet day to myself to think, contemplate, rest and just "be".  To hear God's voice in an intentional way.  And I have to admit, I questioned if I was doing the right thing today, leaving Jaelle with a sitter when I could be home with her.  But as I was getting my coffee to sit down, the lady behind the counter said "would you like to sample a free bagel?"  I was like, "Really?" and it sounds silly, but that simple gift of a free blessing just reaffirmed me in knowing that  God was blessing me again today, that He was with me and reminding me that He only has good things for me and that when I keep chosing to listen and obey, He's going to show up and reveal Himself to me in my world, in my path and I only need to look and listen and then taste and see that HE IS GOOD. :)

So I end this journal entry with complete joy in my heart- and anticipating what God is going to speak to my heart as I take time to hear from Him about the CD and music I'm working on.  Because today I really want to take time to hear what God wants to say about that party of my life.  Part of me is afraid because I'm afraid of what He might tell me or show me.....God, help me to not run and to trust that you have always been faithful in the path you have lead me on, no matter if the choice was hard, you always showed up and opened that door to something more wonderful than I imagined.

What a day- a rainy, gray and cold day, but a beautiful day to look to Jesus and see Him through it all and see that every day, no matter what it looks like or the circumstance, is always a beautiful day with Jesus.


Friday, October 12, 2012

First Time Going POTTY

Did I happen to mention that Jaelle went pee pee on the potty October 11th?  Yep, so I figure I better document this momentous occassion!

She grabbed at her bottom and then Abby said "Jaelle you have to go potty?!"  So she grabbed her hand and ran her to the bathroom.  Got her clothes off and as I walked into the bathroom I picked up my naked little girl and put her on the potty.  And sure enough...."Pssst!"  Pee went into the potty. :)  Pretty cool for a 16 month old. 

Don't know if she's quite ready for potty training but just going to be relaxed and let it happen.....totally different attitude from the last time I potty trained with Abby and Becca. :)

Life is good in the Bornman Household. :)

Letter of Recommendation


October 12, 2012
To Whom It May Concern,
It is with great pleasure that I recommend Cherri Bornman as a worship leader. I am the Program
Manager at Grace Adventures, a Christian camp and training center in Silver Lake, Michigan. Cherri has
lead worship for 3 years in our Women’s Retreat program.
Over the 3 years that Cherri has participated, our program has grown from 100 women to over 250 and
she continues to receive rave reviews from attendees. In fact, she has never received a negative review.
Cherri’s worship style is simple but authentic and powerful. She easily relates to the attendees using
humor, personal stories and testimonies and is then able to smoothly transition into a worship
experience. She is extremely talented vocally and on the piano and has a great balance between types of
songs she chooses from traditional to contemporary, upbeat and slow.
Cherri is very easy and fun to work with. She is flexible and really desires to meet the needs of the
program. Cherri is also organized and always gives us the information we need well in advance.
Although she has only lead worship for us in Women’s Retreats, I have no doubt that she would be
excellent with any adult or family group.
In addition to her musical skill and talent, Cherri is a huge benefit to our program in that she is not just
there to play music but to minister. On many occasions she has gone out of her way to form
relationships with guests, to listen and talk and pray with them. She is a woman of strong faith and her
passion for God’s love is evident in her actions and speech.
If you are looking for a worship leader who will authentically and sincerely draw people into the
presence of God, I highly recommend Cherri. She has a true heart for worship and we have been blessed
to have her as a part of our program and I believe you will be as well. I would be happy to provide any
other helpful information.
Abby Banfield
Program Manager
(231) 873-3662

Answers to the question, "What has your experience at the Women’s Retreat meant to you?"
  • It was a wonderful experience with my sister, church and other ladies, listening to God’s Word through Jennifer, worshipping, fellowshipping, and learning.
  • It was relaxing and allowed me personal time to spend with God and friends in worship.
  • A fun time of relaxing and growing with new great worship.
Answers to the question, "Please share which sessions or workshops impacted you, and what you’ve learned from them."
  • I also really enjoyed the worship before each session. 
  • Worship.
  • Worship was the best I’ve participated in in a long time.
  • I really enjoyed the sessions to worship.  Deep, deep love of Christ came out of this.
  • Jennifer Shaw’s sessions, the worship music, session on change, Eva’s open house – great ideas.
  • Also, Cherry and the worship team are great.
  • Worship and speaker.
Random comments:
  • I loved Jen and the worship team
  • Loved Cherri and the girls doing worship – great blessing!  Would enjoy even longer worship times!
  • Loved the speaker and the worship singers.  I would be very happy to see the speaker and singers again next year.
Answers to the question, "How did God speak to you or work in your life this weekend?"
  • Worship, in His Word, in His music.
  • God really spoke to me through the Shepherd’s Walk and through the worship times. 
  • He gently reminded me that I am special, unique, and important.  Stress, worry, and self esteem issues have plagued me for years.  He also showed Himself while we worshipped and sang.
Abby Banfield
Program Manager
Grace Adventures
(231) 873-3662

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Jaelle Veronica Bornman September 2012, 15 months old

I couldn't let these pictures go without sharing them.  This little girl has so much personality and ENERGY.  It's not that she is bad, but she surely keeps us on our toes.  I don't remember Abby and Becca being so strong willed and determined.  Jaelle is a go getter and loves playing and interacting with people of all ages.  Bedtime is normally 7:30 or 8pm and she gets up between 6:30-7am every day.  Naps have been either once a day for 2-3 hours or two 1 hour naps.  I've noticed that she likes to "pick" at Becca. I think because Becca reacts and Jaelle knows she's going to get some kind of response whether good or bad.  Abby is Jaelle's little mommy and I love how Abby helps Jaelle and nurtures her.  I'm not surprised that Abby is such a responsible big sister. 

Jaelle is so beautiful and I just had to share these precious pictures from earlier in the month of September 2012 

These pictures show all her different faces in a half hour span.

Aren't I cute mommy?

Very much a thumbsucker.  But I'm going to just let her grow out of it and not worry about it.

I try to play piano with Jaelle but she usually boots me off the piano because she wants to perform, or sing or do her own thing. :) 

Spacing out face.

Goofy girl- she is very silly and loves to laugh and joke.  Jaelle has an usually keen sense of humor for being so little.

And I just LOVE this picture!  Yep, Jaelle is trying to go potty.  Abby thought that Jaelle was telling her that she had to go potty because she was grabbing at her diaper.  So Abby took her and then was yelling from the bathroom for me to help.  I come and of course, nothing happens.  So I set Jaelle in front of me and tell her to watch mommy.  I sit on the potty and then tell her to "listen" and then proceed to pee.  Before I could respond/react, Jaelle sits down on the floor in front of me, looks between her legs, and then PEES!!  I start to yell but notice that Jaelle is proudly clapping because she peed.  So I quickly change from yelling/scolding to "yeah, good job Jaelle!"    So this is Jaelle's first pee pee picture and I'm sure we'll have more fun stories to share.  But how cool that we caught her first potty picture and story together. :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Grace Adventures Women's Retreat September 28-30th,2012

This is my 3rd year attending this Women's Retreat at Grace Adventures in Mears, Michigan as the guest worship leader for the weekend.  And how it all came about was from a referral.  I spoke for 3 years at a Women's Retreat for New Haven Brethren church and also lead the women in worship at a Bed and Breakfast in Saugatuck MI.  It was such a wonderful thing for me in that it was my first time speaking for a whole weekend and because the women who go to this retreat are just so loving and made me feel part of their church family.  I met Noelle Gable, an amazing woman ministering to young girls in the Grand Rapids area.  I had an opening Ice Breaker question asking who in the audience had the most children and everyone yelled "NOELLE!"  And I asked "How many children do you have?"  And she replies "I think 16" and then someone in the audience says "And she's not married!!"  And I said "Ok, well I just opened a can of worms!"  And we all laughed....but later I was able to sit and talk with her to hear her ministry to young troubled girls in Grand Rapids, how she lives with them in a home and basically becomes a mother to them.  Anyway, Noelle was the one who mentioned me to Grace Adventures when they were looking for a woman worship leader for their upcoming women's retreat.  And that is how I ended up with the opportunity to minister in music and continue to return.  I just finished my 3rd year this year and they asked me to come back again for 2013!  I couldn't be more excited about it.  Grace Adventures truly has a unique and most amazing campus.  They have such a GIFT of hospitality.  You instantly feel loved, accepted, and pampered while you are there.  The campus is beautiful and the activities range from Zumba, zip line, horse back riding, massages, shooting, paintball, or SLEEPING or no sleeping.  One of my favorite things to do at Grace Adventures is to go to Eva's house.  Eva is the wife of the maintenance director at Grace.  She opens her home anyone to visit.  She oozes God's love and her home is so cute.  Every crick and cranny is filled with little things she's created. She has wonderful ideas on food, hosting, and especially giving little gifts that cost pennies to make to give to someone  to make them feel loved or special.  I just love Eva and I think its because she's such a perfect example of what it looks like to use your gift to the fullest to bless others.  Her gift of hospitality and service and "works of her hands" are so evident in her home and life that Christ is honored and all people are blessed who come encounter her.

Here are a few pictures from the weekend.

Jennifer Shaw- Songwriter, Vocal Performer and Speaker.  Tremendous woman of God- because she was REAL and her message was straight from God's word and not of her.  It was amazing ministering with her in music this weekend and being apart of her vision for the weekend.  She came with laryngitis and wasn't able to sing until Sunday morning.  But she did speak every session and God used her mightily!

My favorite picture from the weekend- my sister and me

On top of Little Sable Lighthouse with Elissa Green, Gina and Kendra Battig

Here is the gang who came with us to Grace Adventures.  We loved bunking together and spent a few hours Saturday at Little Sable lighthouse and lake Michigan enjoying the sun and view.  Gina and me even ran up one of the sand dunes. :)

Gina and me had to take a foot picture

Very happy me

I am actually terrified of heights but the view was breathtaking and I was glad that I overame my fear and went up on the balcony at the top of Little Sable Lighthouse.

And the older I get, the more I like my stubby little nose that God gave me. :) Thanks God!!

We're back from an awesome weekend at Grace Adventures! The speaker and song writer/vocal artist was Jennifer Shaw. Wonderful woman and we totally enjoyed ministering with her in music this weekend. We left feeling more encouraged in our gifts and the call on our lives to use music to touch women and bring them closer to God. I’m excited to see where God will take us this coming year with our music.  And they booked us for next year again and both Grace Adventures and the Musical artist are writing a letter of recommendation on our behalf!

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR PRAYERS AND SUPPORT!!  They mean so much.  Keep praying for Gina.  It’s a long road and I still see her wanting go back to Freddy-Only God knows what the outcome of their seperation will bring. She so badly wants to honor God with her marriage and love Freddy.  But the emotional/mental abuse was strong and so evident in her behavior, patterns and actions. I hope she remains steadfast with her decision but time will tell. I keep remembering that verse that says “He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.” 

Anyways, I am learning every day what it is to trust God with family and to see God work in a tangible way in Gina’s life as she works through and deals with her trials.  She continues to amaze me with her simple “child like” heart and faith.  Gina is such a loving/merciful person and I want that quality too.


P.S.  HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEKEND-We met a girl who survived abuse (the last day of the retreat at breakfast)  All I asked her was “Do you mind me asking how you became a single parent?” And she started in with her story. By the end, Gina and I were both a mess.  Anyway, I call it one of those “divine appointments” and Gina feels that her meeting this girl was totally why she was supposed to go this weekend. Gina got her phone number and info and she recommended some programs for Gina. It was good for Gina to see and meet with another girl who has survived, thrived and overcame.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

13th Wedding Anniversary

What can I say?  I landed the jackpot when I married Cornelius.  He's intelligent, kind, hard working, faithful, committed, loyal, authentic, fun, adventurous, a Spiritual Leader, loving, a servant, and he's MINE. :)  We've gone through our ups and downs like most marriages.  But I firmly believe that Cornelius and I have had an "unusually" blessed marriage.  Yes we've faced financial hardships and a miscarriage. But really, we've mostly experienced blessing with our 3 beautiful daughters, family that loves and supports us, good jobs and a home that is full of real friendship, intimacy, and I feel like...dare I say it, God's favor and blessing. 

I remember the day Cornelius professed his love for me.  It was under the willow tree at the home we presently own.  At that time it was my Aunt's home- who would have known we'd own that willow tree and have that precious memory in our back yard?! And I knew that he was the man God had chosen just for me.  I was still dealing with old emotions from a past relationship at that time, and still in the process of healing from my car accident when Cornelius told me he was committed to loving me the rest of his life. So I wasn't full of mushy gooshy love and butterflies when he told me "He Loved Me".  Instead I was full of peace, confidence and assurance that this was right and that God's way is the best.  Two months later in January of 199, Cornelius proposed and then married August 7th 1999.

It rained on our wedding day.  I was on cloud nine and just a very typical giddy bride.  Mom was afraid to tell me it was raining know, all the talk and superstition on having rain on your wedding.  BUT, the first thought that came to mind when they told me it was raining outside was "SHOWERS OF BLESSINGS.....I shall have showers of blessings." 

And now here we are, 13 years later.  Now, with all this said, I don't want to sound like we have had perfection or 13 years of wedful bliss.  I want to make sure that this blog represents the whole spectrum of our colorful marriage.  The first month of marriage I was telling Cornelius to get out of my bed and sleep on the couch- and when he wouldn't go, I went to the couch!!  And I was praying "God, change Cornelius!  He needs to be like.....blah blah blah." And it was in that first month God taught me a valuable lesson.  Marriage is not about changing people- but it does change you.  It changed my attitude and heart when God spoke to my heart about ME needing to change.  

I did tell you that Cornelius makes my life adventurous so now I have to tell you a story.  Today I had to drop the girls off at the sitters.  I got there at 7am and she wasn't there- and I realized that Cornelius must have forgotten to communicate with her that I would be coming early with the girls.  So I wait and thankfully Amanda arrives ahead of time.  I leave quickly and as I'm driving and had the truck on cruise, the truck pulls out of cruise and proceeds to sputter and slow down...."Could it be that I'm out of gas?" and then I remember that Cornelius did mention he needed to put gas in his truck the day before.  So here I am on the side of the road, no cell phone (because it got washed in the washer the night before) walking from house to house, looking for someone to help me.  After my 3rd house, a gentlemen offered to take me to town to get gas and fill up his little gas can.  I was feeling so overwhelmed and worried about getting to work, that I just got in his truck and away we went.  Thankfully, he was truly a good samaritan and alls well that ends well.  So, I TOTALLY BLAME my husband for this adventure this morning. 13 years ago we had an adventure when we went camping on our honeymoon, and I got a horrible UTI and Cornelius was trekking me through the woods, rivers and caves and I finally had to have him take me to civiliazation to get medical treatment for my UTI.....I can smile when I tell people about this story now.

Oh and there have been other fun adventures and some not so fun but here's what I said on my Facebook today:

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Taking Inventory of My Life and Lifestyle Change

So I've really been slacking on my blogging.  And I love to blog when I do it.  I think its because I'm avoiding how I feel or what I'm thinking.  I get that way sometimes....where I feel like there is so much going on inside that it's easier to just glide through life and not think about it too much and writing about it makes me think and "feel".  I'm such an emotional person anyways and feeling things that are bubbling inside can make me feel like a shaken soda can that is about to POP! :) 

Today I can say that I have been faithful to my Life Style Change.  I continue to make gains in choosing obedience to Christ in being a good steward with my body.  Its a daily choice and struggle sometimes to say no to frivolous eating.  I do have icream or something sweet on occassion, but I've learned to do it in portions or to choose a more lighter fare.  Its hard and I get that "old" thinking of "Its not fair that I have to be healthy!".....and then there was one night that I was just angry because I got to the store late because I went walking before I went to town to get a birthday gift for a friend.  And the store was closed and I was like "If I wasn't so fat, and didn't need to excercise, I could have been here earlier!"  And I literally threw a grumpy tantrum and said that outloud while walking back to the van....Cornelius heard it all.  He got back into the van quietly and didn't say anything. On another day he told me that no matter if I was skinny/healthy, you always need to exercise and take care of your body. 
Some days are easier than others and then there are "those" days.  And I think, "will this battle never end?"  But what can I expect?  I've struggled this food battle since I was a young girl.  It's going to take time and it's going to be where I daily turn to God.  One thing I get worried about is not making this about being skinny- but about being right with God and healthy.  That is what this has to be about for the long haul.  If it's about the surface and not heart felt, its not going to stand the trials of holiday food and the trials of emotional eating. 
So here is the stats for today.  I am 29 pounds lighter than what I was on April 18th when I weighed in with Julia.  I figure that by the weekend or the end of July 2012, I will be 30 pounds less than what I was April 18th, 2012.  And yesterday I did my best time on my walk/jog.  I did 3.09 miles in 44 minutes and 5 seconds!!  From someone who wasn't even walking, let alone jogging, here I am today jogging/walking 3 miles in under 45 minutes.....happy dance!! 

But with even this good news- I feel like there are still some things that steal my joy and focus.  Its been hard working this summer.  Last summer I was home with the girls and loved it.  With Cornelius laid off from work, I sometimes get jealous or angry.  Not angry at him because he's so wonderful with the girls and cooking meals, taking care of the garden and animals.  I mean, he has a full time job at home.  But I get angry- angry that I'm working when I'd rather be home.  Angry that we have expenses that keep me working.  If Cornelius gets a job, I still have to work- or do I?  Could we live on one income?  We still are getting Unemployment and we are making the bills, its tight but we're doing it.  So then I think, "well, if he gets a job making what I make with his Unemployment, then I could stay home."  But then I get angry at myself because it boils down to my comfort level and not wanting to give up my "cushy" lifestyle. I like THINGS....and liking THINGS, shopping and having an appearance of money, keeps me working.  So is this the next lifestyle change I need to make?  Do I need to work on my heart attitude regarding status and money and things?  OUCH.....I really didn't want to write this or confess it .....cause I feel like I'm confessing it and need to be held accountable regarding this since I verbalized it.  Right now its like the big white elephant in the room that I'm tiptoeing around.  I need prayer.  Prayer to know how and what God wants me to do and to be obedient and not afraid.  Right now I'm working and need to be while Cornelius is laid off.  And I'm going to just keep focused on being a good worker and let this sit awhile......but I need prayer about this.....and I NEED TO PRAY ABOUT THIS.

Ok, phew!  Now on to life in general.  We've had a very busy July.  Sarah visited with her new baby and Lindi and grandma Bornman came along too.  I thought to myself, "when are we going to have them stay with us for a week like this ever again?"  It was special.  I think by the end of the week though, everyone was tired and ready to go home.
The next day, July 10th, the girls went on the train with my mom to Chicago for a whole week.  It was so special for them to have this time with grandma.  And they had a blast and experienced a new world in the city.  They brought back 2 cousins with them who stayed from July 17th-20th.  When the left, we were all ready for us to have our home back to normal with just our girls and no guests. Those cousins sure experienced a new world in the country.  The one girl had never made home-made cookies.  So when Abby asked her to make cookies with her she just looked blankly at Abby.  It was wonderful that Abby and Becca could show them how relaxed and fun it is to live in the country and not go shopping every day in a mall or store of some kind.  They loved all the animals we had.  I asked Becca if she liked the city or country better.  She told me "I like the country better mom." :)

Soon I will post pictures from the month of July.  We have taken some beautiful pictures.  We've been blessed and have had a good summer so far.  Looking forward to what August holds for us.  We're doing our family vacation in August up north in Munising to see the Pictured Rocks.  Can't wait!

Here is a verse to conclude my thoughts today:

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
John 14:27

Saturday, June 30, 2012

JUNE 2012 Events

I haven't been able to blog like I wanted to for the month of June.  Not because I didn't want to, but because we have been LIVING!  Our family was very busy this month with many things and so I've decided to write them down so that I don't forget. (there are some things I did that aren't mentioned but these few stick out in mind)

1. Softball- the girls played softball on the same team this year.  Very competitive but FUN.  Their coaches, Brian Zinn and Chad Mortenson, made it a very memorable season and not only taught them tenique and skills for working as a team, but life skills as well.  It was so fun to go and hear these men invest in these girls and see how they challenged them and each game, they grew and got better.  Very proud of my girls and all they did on their softball team.  Becca was on of the catchers and worked her butt off!  And Abby did amazing in outfield by 3rd base.  She even caught a pop up ball out in the field and it totally charged her up and lifted her spirits.  We started out wondering if this was really a fit for Abby, and learned that she was up for the challenge.

2. Small group camping- our Small Group went camping at School Section Lake in Mecosta County June 22-24th. Abby took a friend with her and it made her time camping even more special.  Jaelle did awesome camping and our whole family was able to really enjoy eachother and enjoy the time with friends in a new environment.  Stephen, our pastor, preached Sunday morning and it was so wonderful to have the kids involved and engaged in the service. Chris Shebester and I lead worship together and there's just something about worshiping outside in God's creation.

3. I sang at a Women's Tea Event at First Baptist Church in Vestaburg- The same weekend of the camping trip I sang a few songs at this tea.  It was fabulous event.  The church did a wonderful job of making us feel so special, so spoiled and probably one of the neatest things was that we had tea and were served tea just as if it was "high tea".  The food was scrumptious and beautiful.  Each table was decorated by the hostess of that table.  And every lady received some gift. What made this event special was that I was able to minister with Cheryl Engle, who is not only my friend but mentor.  Cheryl did a tremendous job teaching and sharing from God's Word to these ladies and I know that she impacted women there.

4. Father's Day and Birthday party- June 16th we were at a birthday party for a young gal at our church, Ashleigh, who turned 14.  First time with Jaelle at the pool with a bunch of people and she loved it.  Then On Father's Day we went to my sister's new house and had a great time with her family and my dad.  We swam in the pool and the kids played and played.  We didn't leave until 10:30pm.  It was a very busy weekend but again, summer is about enjoying the outdoors and making memories with family and friends.

5. First 5K for Cornelius- Today, June 30th, my husband ran his first 5K.  I couldn't be prouder of him and his accomplishment.  What was so awesome was that he took first place in his age group of 30-39 year olds.  He ran it in 29 minutes and 17 seconds which wasn't even his best time.  The girls were so impressed and impacted by their dad.  It was very special to see him cross the finish line.  This evening we went walking as a family for the first time.  Ive been walking and jogging with Cornelius and the girls would ride their bikes.  Often they would ride along with their dad when he started running.  (Cornelius is much faster than me)  Tonight after supper, we went and Abby totally surprised me.  She ran longer and quicker.  Becca kept in stride with me.  She got tired but kept pushing herself.  Abby did it in 45 minutes flat and Becca and I finished in 46 minutes and 36 seconds.  We cheered them on and I noticed that I felt more excitement while doing it with them.  It was so rewarding and so fulfilling to do it with my girls.  Jaelle was content in her stroller and watched everyone working hard.  I told the girls that Jaelle is going to grow up seeing us exercising and she will naturally want to exercise too.

AND I continue to work at being a good steward of my body with how I eat and exercise.  I face challenges and temptations, but it keeps getting easier day by day.  Sometimes I worry if I don't exercise as often as I think I should or if I eat something sweet or fatty, but then I tell myself that it's not about being legalistic and a drill sargent, but about making intentional choices to surrender my addiction and unhealthy lifestyle to God and find that He's there to encourage me and give me strength and wisdom.  At the close of this month, I can say that I have lost a total of 25 pounds since I started this journey April 19th, 2012.  YEAH!!! 

                               Here are a few pictures from JUNE 2012

  Abby getting ready to hit- Go slugger!  She really improved on her hitting.

                                                    Becca the catcher

                                        Are they having fun or what?

                                               GO TEAM!!!

                We watched our Pastor's kids one night and had fun with them.

                             Watermelon lovin' Jaelle on our camping trip

  We had friends for dinner and this was the pretty table I set on our back porch

  This was a picture I took of me and the girls before our movie date night.

 Abby and her friend Hannah Palmer playing with Jaelle on our camp trip.

                   Jaelle loved all the candy at Ashleigh's birthday Party.

Yep, we got goats and we even milk them too.  Becca's just too cute with her hat!

         Becca and her friend Emilee at our camping trip with our Small Group

       Chef Cornelius cooking for our friends that came for dinner.

                           Cornelius and his proud family after his first 5K

                             The girls were so proud of their daddy!

                                                 Look at him RUN!!

                         Jaelle and mommy in the sun and being silly.

             Aren't we a cute pair? This is at Gina's new house at the lake

 Jaelle loved going to the girl's softball games and find stuff to play with

 Jaelle is just a sweetie pie and I love her little eyes in this picture.

 And a picture of me and my nose......I used to not like my stubby nose.

      And I took this picture on the way to work one morning- God's reminder    that He is faithful and keeps his promises.